
Friday 2 March 2018

The Process of a Lockdown in my School

Friday 02nd March 2018 - 02/03/18
Learn: I understand the process when there is
a lockdown in school.
Task: Paragraph explaining the process of a
Lock Down in our School:

The first step to a lock down is when you hear the bell go off and on for one  minute. When the bell is ringing you have to lock  your doors in your classroom and lock the windows. After that  you need to get on the ground and lay on your stomach. When you do that you can lay under a table or just on the ground.After that your principal will come to your classroom and tell it is safe to come out.

1 comment:

  1. That was very informative. I hope a lock down never happens.
    The information sounds like instructions. Maybe you could put them in bullet points.
